


Acute myocardial infarction, AMI, is one of the most life-threatening diseases in developed countries. There are organ specific protein markers released from cardiac muscle to blood stream during cell rupture. AMI is always diagnosed using creatine kinase MB isozyme, lactate dehydrogenase 1, myoglobin, troponin I, troponin T and fatty acid binding protein elevation as the index of the disease. However, the immunodiagnosis of these AMI markers are always time-consuming and require expensive instrumentation. The point-of-care testing, POCT, is urgently in need for both diagnosis and treatment of AMI


The current study utilizes the common fabric active dyes to dye antibodies for the purpose of developing a new immune assay technique. Of which, dye immunoassay, DIA, requires no enzyme nor radioactive compounds to serve the intent application of fast and convenient POCT diagnoses. In this study, the effects of the choice of dye stuffs, dyeing temperature, pH, dyeing time, etc, upon antibody activity will be examined. Since, there are oligosaccharides on the constant regions of the antibody, upon changing of the reaction conditions, hopefully, the dye molecules can selectively react on the hydroxy function group of immunoglobin molecules in lieu of the amino end of the molecular entity to ruin the antigen binding capability of the immunoglobins.


The appropriate dyeing technologies optimized in this study shall greatly facilitate the development of a DIA protocol in AMI-POCT diagnosis and benefits the AMI and AMI suspected patients.
